More info on the project

In Tampa, Florida, the prestigious Saddlebrook Resort played host to the extraordinary Offer Mastery Live Mastermind event – a dynamic synergy of our partners Show U, Entertainment Arts and  SD Production Group. This collaboration brought visionary entrepreneurs together, guided by the charismatic Myron Golden. 

At the event’s core, SD Production Group orchestrated a remarkable spectacle through masterful video coordination. Our team meticulously designed camera layouts, capturing every angle with precision. With cutting-edge equipment and deft management of the video switcher, we directed a captivating visual symphony, immersing attendees in a dynamic experience. Illuminating the event were LED walls and projection screens, conveying impactful visuals with mastery. From vibrant imagery to insightful presentations, SD Production Group skillfully transmitted live content onto these screens, captivating the audience’s attention.

This success story was a testament not just to our technical prowess but also to the seamless collaboration between SD Production Group, Entertainment Arts Inc, and Show U. Our joint effort ensured every facet aligned flawlessly, bringing a multifaceted vision to life. Transforming the event beyond its technical aspects, our dedication added a layer of enchantment. As the curtains closed on the Offer Mastery Live Mastermind, the echoes of this partnership continue to resonate, a testament to the potency of expertise, innovation, and collaborative magic.

Project Details

  • Offer Mastery Live

  • June 2023

  • Saddlebrook Resort

  • Tampa, Florida

Equipment Used

  • Blackmagic Design ATEM 2 M/E Constellation

  • Blackmagic Design ATEM 2 M/E Advanced Panel

  • Panasonic AG-CX350 4K Cameras

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Live performance

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Music video editing

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Digital content

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Welcome to SD Productions

We are pioneers in the production of commercials and digital content